Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Big Mom Move to Nowhere Has Begun

We don't know where my senior mother is moving but we have to pack and move her anyway.
My poor sister is tasked with sifting through a hundred boxes, unpacked for years, and attempts to get my mom to give away and throw out some things.

I wish her luck and I will join after the packing is underway.

Today's threats so far after attempts to pack anything included: Should I just sit in the park like an old person? For she equates not having 100% of the belongings from the last 50 years as having nothing and being worthless.

I wonder where I got my propensity for minimalism?

Techniques we are using to get my mom to relocate more easily:

-Found a nice couple who can not only help her go through her things but pack and move them. They are not $65 and hour like senior downsizing specialists but much less in a range we can afford.

-Told her she could move many of her cherished things to my house then take them somewhere else if she doesn't end up moving in with me.

We haven't moved on to the probably fruitless suggestion to take photos of things.

This all has yet to kick in since she really doesn't listen. I guess we'll see.

Any suggestions welcome!