Monday, December 26, 2011

Negotiating My Mom Giving Me Furniture

From "I don't really own any furniture" to my body count of 5 dressers, 6 file cabinets, 3 desks, numerous book shelves, 1 antique stove, 1 12' wide dining room table, and more...writing down the actual furniture made it much easier for me to say "yes you do own furniture."

She uses about 5% of these items. The rest are dead, space-sucking wood so to speak.

Now comes the time to try to identify and get agreement as to which furniture my mom will allow me to take for my new home, the fact that she owes me thousands of dollars notwithstanding.

Even though it seems like I'm writing about an aging parent, in fact she has always been like this. It's just that now the pedal is hitting the metal.

How I Am Communicating With My Mom

First, I am writing down my intentions and goals for our "meeting."

I am going to identify my ideal outcome, how I plan to speak with her, and how I want to get her to agree in writing or on video so at a later date if she claims she didn't agree to something etc. I can point back to the proof.

This is going to take all day. Hopefully I will not net any more grey hair in the process.

We shall see.

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